Saturday, November 1, 2008

Indiana Jones today....PIMP tomorrow!!

This year Hayden was Indiana Jones, we found his jacket for only $20 and the rest of his costume was easily put together. Hayden expressed his frustration that every year everyone has the same costume as him. We had to explain to him every year he picks the most popular superhero, so he mentioned last night next year he was going to be a "PIMP"...WHAT???? After I expressed much concern and asked for an explaination of what a "PIMP" was he figured by my reaction that was not a good idea and then changed his mind!!! I guess that the brightside of the story is now he is embarresed of saying that and it is obivious he doesn't know what a "Pimp" actually is...for now at least!

1 comment:

JoAnna Anderson said...

That is so funny! You better watch the pet names you give Stephan in front of your kids Carmen! hahaha...jk. Cute costumes this year. They all look so big. Chloe's hair looks so dang cute all curled & in the bow! How do you like your new area?!